Course curriculum
▶️ Baby Cobra Pose
▶️ Balance Pose
▶️ Bird Of Paradise Pose
▶️ Boat Pose Variation In Half Lotus
▶️ Camel Pose With Foot Lifted
▶️ Camel Pose With One Hand Out
▶️ Cat Pose On The Forearms
▶️ Embryo Pose
▶️ Embryo Pose In Headstand Preparation
▶️ Extended Puppy Pose
▶️ Fish Pose
▶️ Graceful Thunderbolt Pose
▶️ Graceful Thunderbolt Holding Ankles
▶️ Half Bound Lotus Back Stretched Out Pose
▶️ Half Saddle Pose Side Bend
▶️ Heron Pose Preparation
▶️ Heron Pose Preparation With Hands Bound
▶️ Heron Pose In A Twist
▶️ Locust Pose Feet Up Arms Out
▶️ Locust Pose Variation With Hands In Reverse (Anjali Mudra)
▶️ Long Horn Pose In A Forward Bend
▶️ Lotus Pose In A Forward Bend
▶️ One Leg King Pigeon Pose
▶️One Leg Reclined Hero Pose With Bent Knee
▶️ One Legged Frog Pose
▶️ Bound Revolved Side Angle Pose
▶️ Bound Revolved Triangle Pose
▶️ Bound Triangle Pose
▶️ Camel Pose In A Twist
▶️ Child's Pose With Knees Wide
▶️ Cobra Pose Feet Up And Head Back
▶️ Dolphin Pose With Leg Back
▶️ Embryo Pose Preparation
▶️ Fish Pose Preparation In Half Lotus
▶️ Fish Pose With Feet Back
▶️ Fish Pose With Hands Up
▶️ Garland Pose
▶️ Gate Keeper Pose
▶️ Half Root Lock Pose
▶️ Hand To Foot Pose In A Squat
▶️ Happy Baby Pose
▶️ Hero Pose On The Toes
▶️Lateral Seated Angle Pose
▶️ Little Thunderbolt Pose
▶️ Lizard Pose With Back Leg Up
▶️ Lizard Pose With One Arm Back
▶️ Lunge Pose Leaning Back
▶️ Monkey Pose Looking Up
▶️ One Leg King Pigeon Pose Leaning Back
▶️ One Leg Reclined Hero Pose
▶️ Open Angle Pose Bend With Hands Bound Back
▶️ Open Ange Pose In A Forward Bend
▶️ Pigeon Pose In A Twist
▶️ Pigeon Pose With Arms Out
▶️ Quarter Dog Pose
▶️ Rabbit Pose
▶️ Reclined Thunderbolt Pose With Hands Up
▶️ Reclined Thunderbolt Pose
▶️ Revolved Half Moon Pose
▶️ Revolved Heron Pose
▶️Revolved Seated Angle Pose
▶️ Sage Maraichi Pose Preparation
▶️ Sage Vamadeva's Pose
▶️ Seated Angle Pose Holding Big Toes
▶️ Sphinx Pose With Legs Crossed
▶️ Sphinx Pose With Legs In Lotus
▶️ Standing Splits Pose
▶️ Stretched Out Legs Pose Preparation
▶️ Sundial Pose
▶️ Thunderbolt Pose On The Toes Leaning Back
▶️ Tortoise Pose
▶️ Tree Pose With Hands In Side Eagle
▶️ Upward Bow Pose With Hand To Heart
▶️ Upward Bow Pose With One Leg Up
▶️ Warrior With Hands Behind Your Back
▶️ One Angle Pose With Hands Up
▶️ Pigeon In A Twist
▶️ Plow Pose Holing The Feet
▶️ Plow Pose With Legs Open And Hands Together
▶️ Reclined Frog Pose
▶️ Reclined Hero Pose In A Knee Bend
▶️ Reclined Vishnu's Pose
▶️ Reverse Anjali Mudra Bend
▶️ Revolved Knee To The Head Pose With Leg Up
▶️ Revolved Reclined Big Toe Pose With Leg Bent
▶️ Sage Marichi Pose
▶️ Sage Marichi's Pose
▶️ Side Seated Angle Pose In A Side Bend
▶️ Snail Pose With One Knee Up
▶️ Sphinx Pose
▶️ Standing Split Pose
▶️ Stretched Out Peacock Pose With One Leg Up
▶️ Sundial Pose Preparation
▶️ Tiptoe Bridge
▶️ Toetop Table Pose
▶️ Two Leg Inverted Staff Pose With Legs Crossed
▶️ Upward Bow Pose On One Arm
▶️ Upward Facing Back Stretched Out Pose
▶️ Upward Half Lotus Forward Bend
▶️ Yoga Seal Pose
▶️ Bent Plough Yoga Pose (Intermediate)
▶️ Boat Pose (Beginner)
▶️ Boat Pose (Intermediate)
▶️ Boat Pose (Advanced)
▶️ Camel Pose Into Child's Pose (Beginner)
▶️ Camel Pose Into Child's Pose (Intermediate)
▶️ Camel Pose Into Child's Pose (Advanced)
▶️ Chair Yoga Pose (Easy)
▶️ Chair Yoga Pose (Intermediate)
▶️ Chair Yoga Pose (Advanced)
▶️ Child's Pose (Beginner)
▶️ Child's Pose (Intermediate)
▶️ Child's Pose (Advanced)
▶️ Cobbler's Pose (Beginner)
▶️ Cobbler's Pose (Intermediate)
▶️ Cobbler's Pose (Advanced)
▶️ Corpse Posture Yoga Pose
▶️ Dancer Pose In Yoga (Beginner)
▶️ Dancer Pose In Yoga (Intermediate)
▶️ Dancer Pose In Yoga (Advanced)
▶️ Downward Facing Dog (Beginner)
▶️ Downward Facing Dog (Advanced)
BONUS: 7 Chill Yoga Poses To Ease Anxiety
BONUS: Download Your Printable Yoga Pose Flashcards!
About this course
- Free
- 124 lessons
- 3 hours of video content